One down five up
December 2020
Hodaka Super Rat 1971
This little gem was found at a motorcycle wrecking yard in Grand Junction, Colorado.
This Super Rat has a new out of the crate Ace 100 engine.
The engine is a two-stroke, air-cooled growling machine.
The bike has 5 gears, adjustable shock absorbers 2 gallon fuel capacity and weighs in at just 183Â pounds. Front tire is 3.0-19 inch with the rear at 3.25-18 inch.
1971 Suggested retail under $500
Hodaka's have a great story behind them with the collaboration of Pacific Basin Trading Company, a subsidiary of Farm Chemicals of Oregon. PABATCO was headquartered in Athena Oregon.
In the 60’s PABATCO began importing Yamaguchi motorcycles but the competition between the Japanese companies hit them hard.  In 1963 Yamaguchi lost their footing. The PABATCO employees decided to design a motorcycle for the U.S. Market. Rumors have it that the bike was designed in a Tavern while having a few brews. The styling for the prototype were taken from the Cotton, a British offroad motorcycle. Hodaka in Japan supplied the engines.Â
Riders that had their time on Super Rats include Tommy Croft, Brad Lackey, Jim Pomeroy, Tom Rapp, Harry Taylor, Jody Weisel, Gary Bailey, Don Castro, Mark Blackwell, Kenny Roberts, Chuck Sun, Jack Morgan, Gene Cannady, Sue Fish, Brian Myerscough and of course the Traweek's.
We look forward to sharing our Super Rat with you!